Back in Ox: a bit of Mary, a bit of Martha

 In the time since my last post, back at some point in the summer when the days felt so wonderfully long and I was possibly still on the other side of the canal, a lot has happened. 

I've known since May that I would be starting a new job alongside my ongoing research work. This was meant to be fairly remote with only occasional travel to Oxford.  During the summer,  however, things changed and I found I was moving yet again. Soooo now my commute involves a rather steep hike and cycle up Hinksey Hill on the outskirts of Oxford. This is considerably steeper and longer than the rather modest Castle Hill in the more flat Cambridge. Once up there the views are amazing,  wonderful for a weekend hike. Up the hill, quite properly, is the Carmelite Centre for Applied Spirituality where I have started working. This is starting out as an interesting year as I try to balance a new job with my ongoing research projects, and somewhere in between trying to maintain a balanced life....

I have also started properly chanting. One of those recently discovered hobbies, the chance came up and a small slot of time was found, all of this in the Dominican tradition.

A prayer group for over 30's not called to consecrated life but also not (yet) married to share and explore their faith is in the works. 

It is in a way a Martha moment that has been preceded by quite some Mary years. It is interesting how gospels we hear over the years become ingrained in our minds with a specific image attached to them. Meditating, receiving, thinking with Mary at Jesus' feet, springing into action with Martha preparing things and serving. They are connected and we are all a bit of both. These past years have been ones of formation, of wondering, of encounters, and while these things continue I feel as if God is saying, now is the moment to take those ideas and inspirations and make them a reality. One could not exist without the other. We need those periods of rest that are also periods of inspiration, of taking a step back and being brought more deeply into the mystery, in order to gain the energy and light needed to make Him visible to others. 


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