On the road again

 Against all odds and without being fully or even partially vaccinated I am in an airport again, for the first time since March 2020, when I naively came to Honduras for a short visit and ended up staying, locked behind closed borders. It is scary to be here, somehow the mask doesn’t feel like sufficient protection and I wish to be back in the safety of my home. At the same time, it feels like it is time to go, time for another adventure, even if this time rather than exploring a new place I am returning to somewhere familiar. 

I sit after the first short leg of my journey in an airport that last November was under water after two tropical stores came through in the span of two weeks. There are still areas hidden under canvas being rebuilt or refurbed after the water went down.There are still some hours before my next flight. People walk about seemingly unafraid of the ‘rona’ not keeping any of the tooted 2 Mts of distance while I sat here eating my sandwich with some trepidation and as fast as I possibly could to stay the shortest period of time unmasked. But like all things, I can’t wait to be able to wander about unmasked in what I know is now an almost fully vaccinated campus, though I will have to wait until I am vaccinated to do so. 

So where to next? I am headed to Notre Dame, a have a few things going on over at the university there over the summer,  While I am not looking forward to the burning heat. I am def looking forward to seeing people again on a regular basis and to having a little bit of a more normal life.  So where and what is ND? It is catholic research university based in a small midwestern town not that far from Chicago (well it's at least two hours away), and it is against all what most people would imagine from a small midwestern a fairly buzzing place or at least the university can be. 

I have in no way prepared for this trip or my time there since my trip was first postponed, then almost cancelled, and then planned again and executed in less than a week. So, yesterday saw me podcasting for my friend Thomas' podcast Light from light about dominican life only to realise, hey it's time to pack. Stay tuned for the podcast coming later this week.  We really enjoyed recording it. And now to board my last flight of the day!


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