Why this blog? (updated)

 I have toyed with the idea of writing for some time, really ever since my failed attempt at a blog in the early years of my PhD. Writing is fairly important in academia and academically inclined careers so my slowness in writing has always been somewhat of a concern. What better way to practice than writing regularly about any topic that crosses my mind? You may well wonder what I, a Salvadoran who has barely lived in El Salvador might have to say about the world? Or you may wonder how the title relates to the actual content? Maybe a bit about me might help clarify some of your questions though maybe not all.

I am a third-culture child, brought up in many different countries by Salvadoran parents. In spite of all this travelling I do consider myself Salvadoran, first, I  think this was a matter of misunderstood loyalty and second, it has become a late-stage realisation that my taste buds are in so many ways Salvadoran.  What landed me here has been mainly my research or rather realising that I need to make my research more known and what better way than to start writing. Several things and several years living in different countries happened in between choosing history as my discipline and sitting down to write about it. It is  likely that I will document those years in this blog but all that will be defined as I go along. 

The title is very literal down to it happening in the tropics. For the first time in many years I am living for an extended period in the tropics, mainly because of our friend corona and only slightly because of the stage I am in, in that 'adventure' we all call the postdoc phase. So that is that and now to begin.....


So very much has happened since I began this, it has been a life-changing period, personally and professionally. For one I no longer consider myself strictly just a historian, theology has drawn me in, in a way that only it can possibly do and I am afraid I can no longer just do history or history of medicine, as interesting as pregnancy and childbirth are. As some of you may have noticed theological topics have begun to appear, and these are likely to continue alongside more travel: even when I have the full intention to stay put life takes me on another adventure.


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