
Showing posts from January, 2022

On being God's masterpiece

 As I came down this morning one of those Godcidences in life made me pick up a package I have purposelessly left in my pidge waiting to take it to the post office. A week or so ago a friend of mind, mother of one small child living in San Sebastian, Spain asked me if I knew of a child's prayer book or bible that could help her son learn to pray. A few minutes later I was searching through the  Catholic Mother's  website for a toddler-appropriate bible or prayer book. During my interviews with mom's I spoke to the founder of Catholic Mother's. A community with a website and currently online activities that was created because there was lack of resources for catholic parents to aid them in their prayer lives that worked with lives with small children. With time, quite predictably, it has begun providing sources for how to teach children about their faith and how to pray. So when my friend asked me I thought of this website and I did in fact find a toodler-friendly Bible

It's been a while.....

Dec. 2021 : It's been a while since I wrote anything. Maybe creativity has died.....or maybe it's that I have been writing many other things not meant for here. Partially their content, partially their unfinished nature as they have been explorations, a continual wrestling, with theological questions. I find myself trying to stretch myself effectively over two jobs: two research projects (with a third creeping in), some admin/social media work for my institute, and trying to maintain some semblance of a balanced life by not hermiting away all my free time and actually socialising as safely as possible in this continued covid-tide. In the middle of this I agreed to give a talk that is close to my heart on a theology of motherhood. As tends to happen with projects of this nature, one that bridges my past work in medical history and my current work in theology, it is a bit broader than first envisioned. There is simply so much I feel needs to be included, considered, and said. I f