
Showing posts from December, 2023

Random end of the year post

 I rarely, in reality, most likely never have, written an end of the year post. I have no thought out reason for the absence of end of the year posts, my years simply finish, usually surrounded by some configuration of family members in some corner of the world, and more often than not, I spend the last day of each year baking something. This year, on the contrary, has ended quite differently, after a year of many unexpected changes in job and place of abode, it began quite differently from how it is ending. And that is exactly what I needed at this point in time. So I am not baking nor am I in some family members home in some of the world, rather I am in my home, in my corner of the world…..and my brother is doing most of the cooking. God is always surprising and we must do our best to not reduce Him to our size. We tend often to see things as we think God would see them but in reality it is our way of viewing life and those around us calling it God’s way when in reality what we are d