
Showing posts from May, 2023

One of those days….

  Lately, because of a bad knee and the bike needing some repairs, I have been strolling into work. Strolling at a not so early hour but early enough that the day is just beginning and the many people who live in east Oxford and work in the city centre are in the midst of their morning commute. In these many months I have done it quite automatically more concerned with not getting wet, being too cold, being too hot, and being on time to really take notice of more than a few things. But today was different, maybe I was more awake or maybe it was the weather, I noticed more details than usual. In the months since February that I have been doing this on foot commute the sun has changed, it is coming out earlier and earlier, and the street I live on is lusher and lusher, with many hues of green to light my way. The smell of blooming flowers is another thing that accompanied me this morning but what stood out the most was the fact that as I passed through the covered market and then out to