
Showing posts from January, 2023

Heaven Rejoices-Es Juble der Himmel

It's been a while since the world woke up to the news that Pope Benedict had passed away. As it was during his life the media had very opposing views, some old news stories aimed at painting a bad light of Ratzinger resurfaced, to the point I was asked about it over dinner one night during the Christmas vacation.  None of this was important or necessary at the time and in my ways, it still isn't. The media will always twist things depending on their particular bias. While I instinctively want to defend him at times I also feel it's best to just let things pass, it can't really touch him anymore nor will it in the grand scheme of things change much, ultimately it all rests on God and people's trust and hope in Him.  In the days that followed his passing many articles started to appear of personal experiences and encounters with Pope Benedict, many of which resonated with my own experience, he was after all the first Pope I was really conscious of, and his intellectua