
Showing posts from December, 2022

On the road again.....take 2: Spain

Christmas draws near and I have started with a bit of travel. Most of the time I go straight to a family home, where depends on how many days off I have. But on occasion, especially if I am staying on the European side of the Atlantic, I take advantage of being back in Spain to visit friends from Uni, most of whom live in northern Spain. Recovery from all the viruses I managed to pick up in November can continue here, though I felt recovered enough to travel.  This particular time I have been on a bit of a mission that has led to an unexpected nostalgic tour of my old undergrad uni.  While I have studied at several universities since, the Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona, Spain continues to have a special place in my heart. It is in so many ways home, truly alma mater, because it was the first place I was on my own, it was a very safe space in which to experience those first years of adult independence and freedom. While there I saw old friends from undergrad days and I meandered aro

Advent, the 'rona, and Benedict

  Happy Advent everyone! This advent, as has happened to me so many times in recent years, is panning out to be quite different than expected. Mostly I feel I stumble into each season without expectations but I suspect what really happens is I expect peaceful, smooth, and healthy sailing. Ah....if only. It is, whatever my condition when the season does arrive, one of my favourite times of the year.  Now, in the life of someone attached to Oxford or Cambridge, the formal becomes a part of life and you don't quite come to appreciate what it is until you leave or until you come back after graduation and recognise the mind-opening event it can be.  One interesting formal happens during the start of Advent, which frames the curiosity that is Oxmas or Bridgemas (if you're at the other place), the anticipated Christmas celebrations at each university because the term ends at the end of November. This past week (and before the 'rona caught up with me for the first time ever) I had